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Sixty Years of Togetherness

My grandparents recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They had a blast re-living so many memories they had shared together. As I looked over our large group of family members that included their four sons and their spouses, three goddaughters, twenty grandchildren, and nineteen great- grandchildren, I couldn’t help but realize that this is what living and marriage is all about. It’s not about how much you spend on a wedding, or if the guests will enjoy the calamari versus blackened salmon more, or if you honeymooned on an exotic island. It’s about creating that special bond with your spouse that no one or thing can break. It’s about creating a memorable journey together that will have its ups and downs, but one that you can face as a team. It’s about instilling your values into your children, and making sure that your grandchildren are taught the same. It’s about letting them know about your struggle, and the obstacles you’ve overcome together. Children should not have a rosy outlook on marriage, but they should not think of it as torture either; their view of marriage should be a realistic one.

So today, I honor my grandparents who raised four incredible sons and impacted the lives of their grandchildren. The difficulties they faced, drove them together, instead of apart, it made them dig their heels in a little bit deeper and hold onto each other a little tighter when all hell was breaking loose around them. I guess I’m saying all of this to simply remind myself and you to not “sweat the small stuff” and to keep in mind that your actions and words will continue to impact your relationship even after the big day is over and the guests have gone home. Remember to choose your battles and your words wisely. So have fun planning a fabulous wedding, but don’t let it overpower the energy that you put into building a lasting marriage and legacy.

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